Mirtha Bueno*, B.A.
Translated by Dr. Moises Asis
On the occasion that March 30th was been declared the “World Apitherapy Day” we ask ourselves why Charles Mraz, the pioneer of bee venom therapy in the United States, used to say that bees are a God’s gift? We know that God is perfect, and certainly bees are a reflection of Him. In their organization as a society, they have established a hierarchy as a society which begins with the queen, the workers, and the drones, with specific tasks to accomplish, fully assumed by them as if they were only one entity. For nature and life in this planet, bees play an important role of ecological equilibrium by pollinating fruits, vegetables, and cereals. For that reason it is said that if bees disappear from globe’s surface, mankind would only survive four years: without bees there is no pollination, no food.
Some of their products are well known, such as honey, pollen, royal jelly, and propolis; other products are not well so known to the public regarding their chemical composition and properties, such as Apilarnil (drone larvae), apitoxin (bee venom), and beeswax; even the whole bee herself is used in Apitherapy. All these products are extraordinary and amazing; for example, pollen is the protein source for hive and itself is a complete protein complex with all 22 essential amino acids plus vitamins and minerals, very valuable for health, while the beekeeper needs to take only a little amount of pollen from the colony to feed humans and animals.
Propolis is a resinous substance with a brown-reddish to yellowish-greenish color produced by bees from plant resins, has exceptional therapeutic properties as a natural antibiotic, bactericidal, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, and other properties, over 168 different compounds have been identified in propolis, and we can affirm that it is the most medicinally active product from hive.
Although little known in our country for their therapeutic uses, I want to emphasize on the use of apitoxin or bee venom, and the other beehive products as co-adjuvant to prevent, treat, and heal health disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, espondilytis, lumbargia, fibromyalgia, neuritis, discal hernias, etc. Immune disorders, including AIDS, have beneficial treatment with apitoxin.
On this World Apitherapy Day I want to underline and recognize the labor of four outstanding people who have dedicated their life and professional work in the
Dr. Bodog F. Beck was born in
Charles Mraz, as his biography at the American Apitherapy Society website (www.apitherapy.org) states, was an outstanding American beekeeper who became since the 1930’s a faithful preacher of the therapeutic use of bee stings, and for 60 years he dedicated to promote this. He was born on July 26, 1905, in Woodside, New York, and at 94 years old he peacefully passed away on September 13, 1999 in Middlebury, Vermont, where in 1928 he had established Champlain Valley Apiaries (which eventually became New England’s largest apiary with 1,000 beehives) He was recognized in 1992 by the American Beekeeping Federation as one of the five most distinguished beekeepers in this country for his advances in commercial beekeeping. Charlie was recognized in the
Pat Wagner, “The Bee Lady”, has an amazing personal history of recovering from Multiple Sclerosis, but her story is better seen by her own words published in her webpage (www.olg.com/beelady):
“I was diagnosed at
After a significant improvement in her condition, Pat’s case jumped to press and TV media and she has been receiving requests from hundreds of MS patients form all the
The fourth apitherapist I want to mention is Dr. Amber Rose, L.Ac., LCSW, a lifetime healer. After graduating with honors from
In her book “Bees on Balance”, Amber describes how she discovered this world: “Bees came to my life in the moment when I most needed them, as I was surviving an abusive marriage and I felt that life had no meaning for me. Pat Wagner’s history in The Washington Post took me back to life, I received my miracle and the answer to my prayers was to give to others. Next day I drove my car to Pat’s home in Maryland, she was at her house door, but I was not a MS patient, there were some 30 or 40 people waiting to be stung, I saw her applying bee stings and I asked myself if she was stinging acupuncture points, yes and no, as she was –without knowing it- stinging on trigger points and meridians. I realized that I was an apitherapist who waited to be awakened, and immediately I offered myself to help her in her labor, as I had much to learn.
Beyond of puncture on skin, bee venom therapy and acupuncture have something very special in common, each one stimulates the body to awake its natural ways of healing. The concept is that the body awakens and heals itself. This is not a patch to cover a wound or pain or a disease symptom, it is a holistic approach: to heal the person’s body, mind, and spirit.”
The story of one of Amber’s patients, gives us an example on her vision of Apitherapy. Let.’s see Lonny Hill’s testimony:
“I had my first symptoms of multiple sclerosis in 1983. My left eye became blind but doctors had no idea on what was wrong. I was admitted in hospital. I will never forget that day when I saw an old man crying because he couldn’t see, and I remember my thoughts, ‘I am so lucky… at least I have one fine eye!’ One month later, doctors told me I had MS. I had no idea what it was, some months later I started problems on my right eye, to the point I could see only shadows. On
My arms and hands are strong now, I can eat by myself for the first time in years, I can eat Chinese food, now… with my own hands. I can hold my radio, dial stations, this makes me to feel fine with myself, I don’t like to depend on other people all the time, I like to make my own things.
As a conclusion, I want to insert this story from Amber Rose’s book entitled “The Beekeeper’s Discovery”: “Apitherapy probably started with the first bee, but most of its official history in this country appears to happen in
Later, in 1986, a woman came to him with MS. ‘I told her I knew nothing on MS. She said, “Well, you treated my arthritis five years ago and symptoms disappeared. When they reappeared, I went to see a doctor and he told me that really it was MS. As it was a treatment for MS the last time you treated me and it worked, I want that you treat me again”. Three years later, he constituted the American Apitherapy Society altogether with Bradford Weeks, a general practitioner in
His efforts have triggered an extraordinary interest for research in such places as
According to Richert, of
Besides, Weeks status, venom contains two powerful anti-inflammatory agents, mellitin and adolapin, appearing in the fight against neural cortex itself.
Richert, however, states that bee venom is not more that the last of a succession of natural substances promoted as a promissory cure for MS in recent years. Cobra venom for some time was another substance.
Weeks says that he is following up four patients treated with bee venom therapy, and who have shown any improvement in a long term.
However, “There is more than a few proofs that beekeepers as a group are very healthy and long-lived, and can have unusual immune systems Bee stings perhaps have to do with this. We have applied for grants to develop a large double-blind research on bee venom where neither the patient or the doctor will know who is receiving the test drug and who is receiving the placebo. This is the only way to demonstrate a treatment efficacy.
March 30 was selected as World Apitherapy Day because it is the birthday of Dr. Philipp Terc, first scientist who researched the medical applications of bee venom or apitoxin. That day he was born in
*Apitherapist, and representative in Dominican Republic of Apitherapy Consulting, Ltd.
PS: We are organizing the first introductory workshop on Apitherapy, by Moisés Asís, author of several Apitherapy books, to be held on
1 comentario:
Hola soy alba, hace unos dias paso un joven vendienedo miel de abejas y... la verdad no queira comprar me parecia cara, ademas nunca la abia usado, pero me anime y la compre, y esta resulto ser tan buena que aora yo la estoy vendiendo, la gente se encanta y siempre me preguntan por mas o para que es buena la miel de abejas.
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